
Digital Literacy Hub

Home > Our Programs Digital Literacy Hub

The Digital Literacy Hub (DLH) project aims to bring to one interactive, digital platform a range of assets; networks; libraries; schooling resources; tools and portals that will make the educational experience of our Indigenous students and their families a much easier and more interactive one. This rich learning environment will make available the following:

  • A huge number of eBooks– targeted towards children aged 1-11 across a range of reading levels; some will contain audio. Our eBook library will also contain a huge range of Indigenous books; designed and written specifically for an Indigenous audience.
  • Literacy and numeracy games– designed to extract engagement and proficiency in reading and competency in spelling.
  • Educational resources– easy to download forms and puzzles designed to engage and challenge students for literacy & numeracy progression.
  • Testing and evaluation– A program will be designed to challenge and test students’ skills in spelling, maths and general knowledge.
  • A webinar format– specifically for appointments between students, tutors and mentors. This engaging format will allow for more chat and study assistance in our aim to deliver more direct tutorials and mentoring to our students and their families.
  • A direct portal to Indigenous employment opportunities – this portal will reflect at any one time nearly 100 vacancies for positions in Industry, Government and within the Education sector, not to mention a range of available traineeships.
  • Academic Links and Support – this aspect of the DLH will allow personal and individualised assistance to ALF students and families when they are accessing or reviewing their options for Higher Education.
  • Health, Finance and Wellbeing Support – This link will allow direct and individual support for Indigenous students and families seeking support in non-academic areas of life.
  • A direct link with Indigemail – This link will reflect a continuum of news and vacant positions for Indigenous candidates nationwide.
  • A unique repository of Indigenous statistics and facts – we hope that the DLH will once and for all assist students, Indigenous or non-Indigenous, to find out about the Australian Aboriginal population, their culture, their reality in the past and today, and the challenges that they face. This link will include up to date statistics.

All of these attributes are designed to assist and aide students in being competitive and successful, and to stay in school longer to ensure they access the opportunities that come with finishing school, including higher education and/or employment. This online asset is a generational game changer. We hope that through continual improvement and communication, we will assist thousands of ALF students and family members in their academic and personal development, so that they will change (once and for all) the shocking statistics of disadvantage that hold back Indigenous Australia from prosperity and self-determination.

The DLH is available by direct link from the Aboriginal Literacy Foundation’s official website at Again, the DLH and all that it offers is FREE to all registered students or ALF members.

The board wishes to acknowledge the sponsors of this project. In particular we wish to thank the directors of the ALF General Trust Fund whose vision for this project was undaunted. We also wish to thank our general database of supporters whose regular assistance in a variety of campaigns have very generously supported our work and this project. Thank you to the Snow Foundation, auDA Foundation, Besen Family Foundation, Andrews Foundation, and Commonwealth Bank Community Fund, all of whom have been major supporters of this project. Also, thank you to several anonymous and major supporters of our DLH project!

We wish to acknowledge the support and patience of our students and families through their participation in the testing and preparation that was need to ensure this project worked.

Lastly, I would like to thank our DLH Board for their advice, direction, expertise, commitment and patience with this platform. You have helped make this platform a great asset for the ALF and its students and families. In particular, we wish to make reference to Mr Tony Harris, our DLH Chair and a major innovator in the IT sector. Without his help the DLH would not have come together!

Snow Foundation

The Andrews Foundation

auDA Foundation